Apache Brown Gravel Minus Sizes. Apache Brown Gravel, Rock & Boulders are full of Rich shades of medium and light brown give this stone has a contemporary Southwestern feel to is and will make a good contrasting ground cover for a garden or landscape. Apache Brown gravel is a blend of mauve, brown and tan colors. This gravel provides a very color contrast in the landscapes around homes in light colors.
Minus gravel materials contain many smaller sizes of gravel and D.G. fines. The fines in this gravel help to "lock" or bind it down on the ground. Whether for driveways, pathways, patios, utility landscape areas or to surround shrubs and trees, crushed stone fines, decomposed granite and gravel are very versatile materials that are more effective ground cover and longer lasting than nearly all wood mulches and makes an outdoor space more appealing.
Apache Brown Gravel Minus Sizes