Malibu River Rock Southern California River Rock Quarry Quarried from the rivers feeding the famous citrus and strawberry farms of the Southern and Central Coast of California. This river rock cobble is a mixture of rounded and angular material this mostly made up of the colors of golden tan and lessor colors. This rock is sold bulk and in palleted wire baskets.
Malibu Cobble are available in the sizes:
4″ to 6″ 6″ to 10″ 10″ to 14″ 12 to 18"
There are also large to really large boulders in this rock. Malibu River Rock is an attractive good value river rock for the Southern California, Central Coast and South San Joaquin Valley. Not has high in smooth round shape quality as Fiesta, Noiya or Noiyo but a good value. This rock is separated into several sizes allow for a wide range of design element options.