Moss Rock Basalt Column 2 ft
Northwest Quarries
These are very limited specimens, very unique, and rarely available for sale. Moss Rock Basalt Columns can transform a landscape into a true natural aged beauty. These hidden gems of basalt columns are a gorgeous complement to "natural" landscape projects.
From the center of the Columbia Basin basalt come these lichen and emerald mossy beauties. Our basalt supplier recently took over an old inactive column quarry that had once harvested a massive amount of material, only to leave piles of it to succumb fast moss-growing environment of the Northwest.
Tons vs. Yards and Square Feet.
Purchase by the Scoop, Skip, Yard or Ton ?
Landscape supply yards are infamous for providing buyers with horrible rates of measurement. In nearly all cases they tell you that "their" scoop or skip is the best deal around and that they always give a little extra. Nothing could be further from the truth. All companies that buy at the wholesale level in our industry pay for their rock by the ton. When buy rock by the tone you are buying value, not hype.
Ask For A Scale House Receipt
Almost any quarry that sells full loads of quality rock with a good reputation has a certified scale for weighing large truck loads of rock material. Each "scale house" or "weigh master" issues a weight ticket for the truck passing over the scale. Selling materials by mythical measurements such as the "scoop" or "skip" is the snake oil salesman in the rock yard method for making a quick buck off buyers.
When you pay for materials by ton you know exactly what you are getting. We strongly urge buyer's to request a scale receipt for their orders and not the word of the tractor operator that he put 4 or 5 skips, scoops or yards in the truck.
In most cases for full loads we charge by the ton and we have the receipts from the scale house at the quarry to show upon request. Materials sold by the yard tend to have very in-accurate amounts in the trucks. Amounts depend the size of the loader bucket, how well the material was scooped up and who was supervising the loading of the truck. Scale House totals don't lie, so why take a chance on losing money and time with how many square feet, scoops, skips and or dumps were made in loading the truck?Architects, public agencies, contractors and owner-builders requiring a competitive bid for the materials and transport costs should
E-mail us with material specifications, amount and date needed and buyers contact information. We typically employ trucks with carrying capacities ranging from 17 to 26.5 tons.
Decomposed granite, crushed rock, gravel, sand and similar materials are typically hauled in;
Truck n Transfers from 24 to 26.5 tons,
End-dumps from 21 to 24 tons
Bottom and Side Dumps 25 to 26.5 tons
Super-10's from 10 to 17 tons
Flatbed with no forklift - Supersacks, palleted rock and specimen boulders are hauled on flatbeds in amounts up to about 24 tons.
Flatbed with a forklift - Supersacks, palleted rock and specimen boulders are hauled on flatbeds in amounts up to about 21 tons.